- Official name:東雲絵名
- English name:Ena Shinonome
- Chinese name:东云绘名
- Other names:enana / 董慧敏 / しののめ えな / えななん
- Gender:Female
- Birthdate:Apr 30
- Height:158cm
- 学校:神山高校(夜間定時制)
- 学年:2-D→3-D
- 趣味:絵を描くこと / 自撮り&SNSにアップ / エゴサーチ
- 特技:ファッション小物のリサーチ / 料理の食材当て
- 苦手なもの・こと:朝起きること
- 组合:25時 / ナイトコードで。
『Ena Shinonome』
Ena's father was a famous artist. She often draws and posts her drawings online. She has a great sense of social media and would like to get more popular.
Yoisaki Kanade saw some of her illustrations online and invited her to join her circle as an illustrator.
Play in works
Count: 0