- Official name:朝比奈まふゆ
- English name:Mafuyu Asahina
- Chinese name:朝比奈真冬
- Other names:雪 / 马真冬 / あさひな まふゆ
- Gender:Female
- Birthdate:Jan 27
- Height:162cm
- 学校:宮益坂女子学園
- 学年:2-B→3-B
- 趣味:アクアリウム
- 特技:英会話
- 苦手なもの・こと:―
- 组合:25時 / ナイトコードで。
『Mafuyu Asahina』
Gender: Female
Birthday: January 27
Height: 162 cm
School: Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy (Class 3-B)
Committee: Class Representative
Club: Archery
Hobbies: Aquarium
Specialty: Speaking English
Favorite Food: Mom's home cooking
Least Favorite Food: Not Sure
Dislikes: Not Sure
Mafuyu is an honor student, and the only one who in her group who regularly attends school. However, not all is what it seems with her...
Play in works
Count: 0