- Official name:鳳えむ
- English name:Emu Otori
- Chinese name:凤笑梦
- Other names:凤绘梦 / おおとり えむ
- Gender:Female
- Birthdate:Sept 9
- Height:152cm
- 学校:宮益坂女子学園
- 学年:1-B→2-B
- 趣味:ご近所探検
- 特技:アクロバット / なんでも美味しく食べられる
- 苦手なもの・こと:夕暮れ
- 组合:ワンダーランズ×ショウタイム
『Emu Otori』
A cheerful and free-spirited girl, her family has the ownership of Phoenix Wonderland. She has been determined to keep the theme park's Wonder Stage theater running, so as to preserve her late grandfather's legacy. She has a habit of slipping onomatopoeia in her speech, to the point of becoming a whole language itself, called Emu-language. Her catchphrase is "Wonderhoy!" (わんだほーい). She is the youngest daughter in her family, and has an older sister and two older brothers
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