- Official name:天馬司
- English name:Tsukasa Tenma
- Chinese name:天马司
- Other names:てんま つかさ
- Gender:Male
- Birthdate:May 17
- Height:172cm→173cm
- 学校:神山高校
- 学年:2-A→3-C
- 趣味:ミュージカル観劇 / 衣装づくり
- 特技:どんな時も即カッコいいポーズができる / ピアノ
- 苦手なもの・こと:虫(特に多足)
- 组合:ワンダーランズ×ショウタイム
『Tsukasa Tenma』
The troupe leader of Wonderlands x Showtime, Tsukasa is a confident and charismatic high school sophomore who aims to be a star to make people smile. He is working part-time at theme park Phoenix Wonderland's Wonder Stage, in order to support his younger sister, Saki Tenma, who has been ill since childhood.
Play in works
Count: 0