- Official name:東雲彰人
- English name:Akito Shinonome
- Chinese name:東云彰人
- Other names:董张仁 / しののめ あきと
- Gender:Male
- Birthdate:Nov 12
- Height:174cm→176cm
- 学校:神山高校
- 学年:1-C→2-A
- 趣味:ファッションコーディネート
- 特技:ヒューマンビートボックス
- 苦手なもの・こと:犬
- 组合:Vivid BAD SQUAD
『Akito Shinonome』
A young man who seems cool and harsh on the outside, but is actually a kind guy. His father is a popular painter, but for some reason, he decided to become a street performer instead. He has a sweet tooth, and is especially fond of pancakes and cheesecake. Akito is the younger brother of Ena Shinonome, but sometimes has to be the one who looks after her. He is best friends with Touya Aoyagi, with whom he formed the street music duo "Bad Dogs" two years before.
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