- Official name:白石杏
- English name:An Shiraishi
- Chinese name:白石杏
- Other names:しらいし あん
- Gender:Female
- Birthdate:Jul 26
- Height:160cm
- 学校:神山高校
- 学年:1-A→2-A
- 趣味:ミント栽培
- 特技:コーヒーや紅茶を淹れること
- 苦手なもの・こと:幽霊 / 怪談話
- 组合:Vivid BAD SQUAD
『An Shiraishi』
An is the outgoing and lively daughter of Ken, one of the artists headlining the "RAD WEEKEND" event. She used to sing solo at events and on the street, until she met Kohane and asked her to be her singing partner. She can get hotheaded at times, but is generally very cheerful. An is a first-year student at Kamiyama High School, where she is also a hall monitor.
Play in works
Count: 0