- Official name:桐谷遥
- English name:Haruka Kiritani
- Chinese name:桐谷遥
- Other names:きりたに はるか
- Gender:Female
- Birthdate:Oct 5
- Height:163cm
- 学校:宮益坂女子学園
- 学年:1-C→2-D
- 趣味:ペンギングッズあつめ
- 特技:バスケットボール
- 苦手なもの・こと:怠けること
『Haruka Kiritani』
Kiritani Haruka (桐谷遥) is a first-year student at Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy. She is a member of the idol group MORE MORE JUMP!
Haruka used to be part of the nationally-acclaimed idol group ASRUN. She had the highest popularity ranking among all the members of the group. After the group broke up, Haruka left the show business and returned to high school.
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