Origami Tobiichi
  • Official name鳶一折紙
  • English nameOrigami Tobiichi
  • Chinese name鸢一折纸
  • Other namesとびいち おりがみ / Master Origami / 折纸大师
  • GenderFemale
  • BirthdateNov 11
  • Height152cm
  • BloodtypeA
  • BWHB75 / W55 / H79

『Origami Tobiichi』

Age: 16

Height: 152 cm

Three sizes: 75-55-79

Birthday: November 11

Blood type: A

Species: human

Equipment: combat wiring suit, CR unit

Affliation: Anti-Spirit Team

Rank: Master Sergeant

Favorite food: gratin

Disliked food: celery

Angel: Metatron

Astral Dress: Aheyeih Asher Aheyeih

Risk factors : AAA

Spacequake : AA

Strength: 158

Consistency: 152

Spiritual power: 219

Agility: 136

Intelligence: 243

Weapon: Crown typeOrigami met Shidouu 5 years ago when the first great spacequake happened. Although Shidouu doesn't remember it due to his memories being erased by a certain Spirit.

Origami has a great hatred towards Spirits; 5 years ago when the first great spacequake happened, her parents died due to a Flame Spirit (not Kotori) appearing. causing the whole city to burn and fall.

At the end of Volume 3 Origami saw the Flame Spirit (which was Kotori Itsuka) she assumed that she was the Spirit that killed her parents. On Volume 4 though, that assumption was cleared by Shidouu saying that there was another Spirit lingering at the time the incident 5 years ago occurred.In volume 10, she was turned into a spirit by Phantom. It's revealed in volume 10 that she went to the past with the help of Kurumi to save her parents. She attacked Phantom who at the time she believed was the one who killed her parents. This proved incorrect when she saw her own attack hit and destroy her parents. She then put two and two together and realized she was her own enemy all along, thus causing great grief and making her go inverse when the time traveling ended.As the series progressed, Origami has shown a growing desire to obtain power. This eventually caused her to join DEM, and later, after she was defeated, to accept a sephira crystal that turned her into a Spirit.

Although disgusted that she became what she had always despised, Origami seemed satisfied that she finally gained the power to fight evenly against Spirits.Finally, using she was capable of destroying a satellite bomb alone, a task which previously took Shidou and multiple (most of them sealed and one injured) spirits' their combined powers to destroy. Likewise, she was able to pressure the (Sealed) spirits into a corner with this unit, but ultimately she was still no match for Tooka when her powers were unsealed.

As a Spirit, Origami is able to fight on par with Tooka at full strength despite the AST's spirit mana detector calculating that her spirit mana was slightly weaker than Tooka's. Origami's spirit powers appear to be of long range type, attacking her enemies from a distance with lasers of shining light and creating some distance between them when they get too close. She has also shown the ability to fly.

Her Angel is a set of golden pillars that surround her and, when put together, resembles a large crown. The pillars can shoot out lasers of shining light from their tips which have proven strong enough to pierce Tooka's Astral Dress when she does not create a barrier around herself. Tooka has also claimed that even if she does create a barrier around herself the lasers would still be able to pierce through. The various pillars can also take on various formations and each of these formations have shown special abilities.

So far, Metatron has displayed the following formations:

- Shemesh - the Sun: The floating pillars spin around her, gathering light particles in which she can release as a rain of energy blasts.

- Mal'akh - Heavenly Wings: By taking on a wing-like formation and folding the pillars behind her back, Origami is able to fly and achieve great speeds.

- Kadour - Sword of Light: By breaking formation, the pillars can each attack its target(s) individually, making it look as if they have a will of their own.

- Artelif - Gun Crown: Her strongest attack; the pillars around her revolve at an incredible speed, creating an energy vortex that shoots pure light energy that can rival Tooka's Final Sword - Halvanhelev.

- Unnamed Defensive Formation: By moving the pillars in front of her, Origami can block incoming attacks.

Finally, Origami has shown the ability to transform herself into light and teleport herself. This (unnamed) ability automatically activates when she is about to be hit by an attack and teleports her to a safe distance. However, the position she is going to be teleported to can be predicted and intercepted. Also, after teleporting herself she cannot dodge an attack by teleporting again in quick succession. Tooka theorizes that Origami either can't teleport continuously or that she can't teleport away from an attack she cannot see coming beforehand.In volume 10, it is revealed that Origami actually began to get used to living with Tooka and the other spirits. Enraged by this, she decided to defeat Tooka and the other spirits once and for all and return her life to normal. During the battle, Origami was able to defeat Tooka, Miku, and the Yamai sisters in their limited release Astral Dress. However, just as Origami was about to finish them off, Tooka regained her full power and defeated her. After made Origami a spirit, she obtained many long-range abilities which made her a bad match for Tooka who mostly uses close-range abilities. During the battle between the two spirits, Tooka asked Origami if they could perhaps find a way to understand each other but Origami told her that she will reject all Spirits (despite the fact that she became one herself).

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