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Naru Sekiya
  • Official name関谷なる
  • English nameNaru Sekiya
  • Chinese name关谷鸣
  • Other namesSekitani Naru
  • GenderFemale
  • BirthdateApr 2
  • Age14
  • Height150cm
  • Weight45kg
  • BloodtypeB
  • ZodiacAries
  • Likes读书 / 写作 / 画画
  • 喜欢的花樱花
  • Naru Sekiya
  • Naru Sekiya

『Naru Sekiya』

A 14-year-old girl who considers herself extremely average. Aside from reading fairy tales, she doesn't have many interests outside of practising iaido at home. She lacks confidence to bring herself out of her routine life, but upon encountering Hana and taking up yosakoi, she starts to change little by little. Her favorite flower is the cherry blossom.

Play in works
