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Jeanne d'Arc
  • Official nameジャンヌ・ダルク
  • English nameJeanne d'Arc
  • Chinese name贞德·达尔克
  • Other names魔剑 / 贞·达尔克
  • GenderFemale
  • 国籍法国
  • 科目情報科
  • 超侦等级G10~13
  • 特技冰之秘术
  • 初期武器圣剑杜兰达尔
  • 祖先圣女贞德

『Jeanne d'Arc』

Jeanne d'Arc XXX(also known as Durandal or Diamond Dust Witch) is an ice ability user from I-U(a criminal organization). During the events in Volume 2 of the light novel, she targets Shirayuki in an attempt to kidnap her and force her to join I-U. She is successfully captured via the combined efforts of Aria, Kinji and Shirayuki during the season of Adseard. As one of the conditions of her plea bargain, she was forced to stay in Butei High as a 2nd year international student from Paris enrolled in the Informa department. As a reliable Informa student, Kinji requests her aid whenever he needs knowledge about a particular case he is involved in. Jeanne and Riko get along with each other very well.

She is one of the few people who knows of Kinji's secret. Her personality is serious and cool. Her first comment about Butei High's uniform skirt is:"Unmarried girls shouldn't openly reveal their legs like this!". However, that notion is pretty much shattered because of Riko's strong influence on her, and she has developed a habit of secretly collecting maid dresses, lolita fashion, and other cute dresses. Due to astigmatism she usually wears contacts to see clearly, but carries a pair of glasses as backup or for reading.

Although Jeanne is quite extraordinary in terms of her beauty, fighting skills, as well as her planning and investigating abilities, her drawing skills are unimpressive:an elementary school student can draw much better than she can. Despite her strength, she alleges that she is the weakest out of all the members of I-U. Her preferred weapon is the Durandal. However, after Shirayuki broke part of it off she had to adjust to the shorter blade. Melting down the whole blade and reforging it as a single piece again was inadvisable as that would severely weaken the integrity of the metal, making it much easier to break. Or in simpler terms, the weakness of the break would be spread to the entire sword.

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