  • Official name恵比寿
  • English nameEbisu
  • Chinese name惠比寿
  • Other namesえびす
  • GenderFemale
  • BirthdateOct 12
  • Height142cm
  • Weight33kg
  • 胸围64cm


Ebisu is sullen-looking teenage girl who wears a skull-shaped mask. While in the Hole, she runs into Caiman and Nikaido, who cuts off Ebisu's fingers to prevent her from using magic, and bites down on her head after removing her mask. Before he can withdraw to ask her his question, a frantic Fujita appears from a door behind her and forcefully pulls her out of his clamped-down jaws into the door, which results in the skin being torn off completely from her face. After this incident, Ebisu is shown to be haunted by nightmares, and has become somewhat insane. At En's residence, she is restrained until Noi can properly heal and restore her fingers and face. Past that point, it is evident her head trauma caused some brain damage, as seen in her suddenly eccentric behavior. She is commonly seen with Fujita.

Records state she is skilled in Reptile transformation. However between panels it shows her having attacked someone with a surplus of power after being fed Black Powder by someone who appeared to have met her before. It is revealed she was a black smoke user, and had heard the words said to her from the man inside Caiman's head. Some of her memories return when she herself transforms into a large dinosauric lizard, proving that the consumption of black powder from a young age has caused an increase in power. It is eventually revealed that she was the one who hexed Caiman when she is temporarily killed and the spell is lifted from Caiman. It is revealed later that this is due to a bottle of her smoke that she had sold, and not a direct curse.

Play in works


Count: 0
    F-B E-R