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Yoshie Hanabatake
  • Official name花畑よしえ
  • English nameYoshie Hanabatake
  • Chinese name花畑佳惠
  • Other namesはなばたけ よしえ
  • GenderFemale
  • BirthdateJan 9
  • Height161cm
  • Weight49kg
  • BloodtypeO

『Yoshie Hanabatake』

Yoshiko's mother who is constantly worrying about her daughter, but brightens up to the fact that Akuru pays attention to her and secretly hopes he and Yoshiko can marry, keeping it a secret out of fear of how Akuru would react. She hatches several schemes to have Yoshiko flirt with Akuru but they often backfire. At first she perceives Sayaka to be a threat to marry Akuru but after checking her panties are that of a child, she deems her safe, but finds the Chairwoman to be a far more serious threat. She is shown to be somewhat psychotic, given her drastic methods and the obscene nature of her schemes.

Play in works

  • Aho Girl

    Aho Girl

    Supporting Yoshie Hanabatake
    CV 日笠陽子
