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Fuuki Iinchou
  • Official name風紀委員長
  • English nameFuuki Iinchou
  • Chinese name风纪委员长
  • Other namesPublic Morals Chairman
  • GenderFemale
  • BirthdateJul 13
  • Height165cm
  • Weight52kg
  • BloodtypeB

『Fuuki Iinchou』

A high school upperclassman who is in charge of morals at the school. She has long dark hair. She cannot stand Yoshiko's idiocy. When Akuru starts complimenting her by accident, saying unintentionally princely things like"If(Yoshiko) gives you any more trouble let me know." and"She's a hundred times more attractive than(Yoshiko)", she develops a major crush on Akuru. She starts stalking him, and often has lewd fantasies about him. Yoshiko considers her a love rival because of her breast size. In many instances she tries to reach out to Akuru but her interactions give her a reputation of being just as weird, even though she is initially unaware of that, but with Sayaka's help she eventually discovers her true nature and tries to mend her ways but with little result. She is fairly smart academically, placing in the top 5 of her class, but later requests to repeat a grade so that she can be in the same school year as Akuru.

Play in works

  • Aho Girl

    Aho Girl

    Main Fuuki Iinchou
    CV 上坂すみれ
