- Official name:隅野さやか
- English name:Sayaka Sumino
- Chinese name:隅野沙耶香
- Other names:すみの さやか
- Gender:Female
- Birthdate:Nov 25
- Height:153cm
- Weight:44kg
- Bloodtype:A
『Sayaka Sumino』
Akuru and Yoshiko's classmate who ends up becoming friends with the two. She has blond hair that goes over her shoulders and wears her school uniform with white knee socks. She too is level-headed and assumes the straight-man role, often moderating interactions between Yoshiko and others. She is kind and worries about being boring. She is very sensitive, especially when others point out her small chest, which appears slightly small, even after she pads it. She sometimes loses her patience.
Play in works
Count: 0