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- Region:Japan
- Type:TV
- English name:Ooi! Tonbo 2nd Season / Tonbo! Season 2
- Official name:オーイ!とんぼ 第2期
- Chinese name:喂!蜻蜓 第二季
- Other names:蜻蛉高球 第二季 / Ooi! Tonbo Season 2 / Hey! Tonbo Season 2
- Premiered:October 5, 2024
- Status:Currently Airing
- Tags:Sports / Source manga
- Original author:かわさき健・古沢優
- Director:オジング
- Scenario:広田光毅
- Storyboard:もりたけし / 川崎逸朗
- Co-director:清水明 / 月野正志 / 新開彩絵 / 金元会 / 江島泰男
- Character design:武内啓
- Music:小学館ミュージック&デジタルエンタテイメント / 戸田信子 / 三間雅文
- Studios:OLM Division 2
- Production cooperation:アールケイ
- Producers:オーイ!とんぼ製作委員会
- Copyright:©かわさき健・古沢優 / オーイ!とんぼ製作委員会
- Family:Tonbo!
- Rating:12+
Ooi! Tonbo 2nd Season
After graduating middle school, Tonbo Ooi sets sail from the isolated island of Tokara to Kumamoto in hopes of advancing her golf career.
Using his connections, Tonbo's mentor Kazuyoshi Igarashi is able to convince coach Hajime Udou to train her.
While Tonbo initially has trouble showing off her abilities with her peculiar playstyle and inexperience with using a variety of golf clubs, she quickly proves her worth at her course debut by making use of her unique skills.
Leaving an impression on Hajime and the people around her, Tonbo is sent to compete in the Kyushu Women's Championship.
Met with familiar faces and new rivals, she is determined to dive deeper into the professional world of golf.
PV EpisodesTiles view / List view
Main EpisodesTiles view / List view
EP14 - I Love This Island and I Love Golf Too!
Having decided to leave Hinoshima, Tonbo boards a ferry with Igarashi, bound for Kagoshima. On the ship, the two reflect on their time living on the island. Through playing golf with Igaiga , Tonbo's world begins to broaden. As she starts to look toward the future, the warm presence of the island's residents, who have been watching over her, stays by her side.
EP15 - Tonbo's Course Debut!
Igarashi sends Tonbo, now a high schooler, to stay at a golf practice range in Kumamoto run by a friend who trains junior players. When Tonbo tries a driver shot for the first time, the other students are puzzled by her skill. She soon gets a chance to practice at a nearby course, where she meets Hinoki Otowa, a talented junior golfer known for her performance at the Kyushu Junior Championship.
EP16 - Igaiga's Parting Gift
Tonbo and Hinoki hit the golf course for practice. As Tonbo unleashes bold, carefree shots, Hinoki’s view of her begins to change. Despite the strong winds, they exchange impressive plays. Meanwhile, Igarashi arrives with a special gift for Tonbo, who's just started her new life in Kumamoto.
EP17 - It Begins! The Kyushu Women's Championship
After witnessing Tonbo's golfing style up close, Coach Hajime is determined to unlock her potential by entering her in the Kyushu Women's Championship. However, she must meet the eligibility criteria first. As Tonbo starts her new high school life, things get hectic as she learns to juggle school, going to the practice range, and practicing on the golf course to secure her spot in the tournament.
EP18 - Career Average Stroke
Though on the first day of the Kyushu Women’s Championship there were many players around Tonbo's age, she ended up paired with a housewife golfer named “Shima-san.” Her skills being just barely above the cutoff line irritates some fellow competitors. However, as the championship progresses, Shima-san’s unique approach to golf begins to influence her fellow competitors playing style!
EP19 - My Rival Is the Title Holder
EP20 - Jack-in-the-box Golf
大会二日目。同組でラウンドする、とんぼ、ひのき、つぶら、エマ。 父からのプレッシャーと戦うひのき。自身のプレースタイルを貫くつぶら。過去からの復活にかけるエマ。3人の意地がぶつかり合う白熱の展開の中、とんぼだけは、今日も自由奔放なゴルフを展開していく。 そんな中、父親から常に「1番」になることを強いられているひのきがとった行動とは—。
EP21 - The Tossing and Turning Winds
大会最終日前夜に熊本にやってきた五十嵐は、とんぼの微妙な変化に気づき、持ち味を引き出すためのアドバイスをする。 迎えた最終日。とんぼはキャディを務める研修生の西と共に、最終組の1つ前の組でラウンドすることに。風が徐々に強くなる難しいコンディションの中、風を味方につけたプレーでスコアを伸ばすとんぼ。ひのき、つぶら、エマは、とんぼが優勝を争うライバルであることを徐々に意識し始める。
EP22 - Hinoki's Troubles
大会最終日。自由なゴルフを続けるとんぼに対し、近接したスコアのひのき、つぶら、エマの3人は、互いの意地が徐々に見え隠れする中で、前半戦を終了する。前半をトップで終えたひのきだったが、その表情は浮かない。 そして迎えた後半戦。ひのきがショットしたボールは、木の枝に引っかかるアクシデントに見舞われ――。
EP23 - First Time Under Pressure
EP24 - Tonbo, Hole Out
EP25 - Winner and Courage