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- Region:Japan
- Type:TV
- English name:Majutsushi Kunon wa Mieteiru
- Official name:魔術師クノンは見えている
- Chinese name:魔术师库诺看得见一切
- Premiered:2026
- Status:Not yet aired
- Tags:Fantasy / Source novel
- Original author:南野海風 / La-na
- Character design:Laruha
- Copyright:©南野海風・Laruha / KADOKAWA / 「魔術師クノンは見えている」製作委員会
- Family:Majutsushi Kunon wa Mieteiru
Majutsushi Kunon wa Mieteiru
Kunon Gurion was born without sight and unsure of his purpose in life, but everything changes when he resolves to find a way to use magic to see.
This is a feat no sorcerer has ever accomplished or even tried, and it won't be easy.
Kunon's single-minded ambition leads him to quickly surpass his teacher, and with only a few basic spells, he can already sense color, produce useful items, and create a lifelike cat from water!
Word of his skills and ingenuity soon reaches the castle, which earns him a rare chance to study under a powerful new mentor.
But is Kunon's goal even attainable?
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TVアニメ化決定!好奇心で世界を切り拓く、天才少年の発明ファンタジー!『魔術師クノンは見えている』(カドカワBOOKS)著/南野海風 イラスト/Laruha / CV/クノン・グリオン ― 早見沙織 / 【あらすじ】目の見えない少年クノンの目標は、水魔術で新たな目を作ること。魔術を習い始めて僅か五ヵ月で教師の実力を追い越したクノンは、その史上初の挑戦の中でさらに才能を開花!魔力で周囲の色を感知したり、水魔術の応用で懐炉や湿布を作ったり、初級魔術だけで猫を再現したりーー。その技術と発想は王宮魔術師も舌を巻くほどで、クノンは実力を買われ、最高の腕を持つ魔技師の弟子になることに!?好奇心で世界を切り拓く、天才少年の発明ファンタジー!