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  • Space Ofera 阿卡鲁达 第3话
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Space Ofera Agga Luther EP3 - Occasionally Even the Deceiver Is Deceived, Baby




Low on money and food, Dandy sets a course to the nearest Boobies to redeem a nearly expired point card. He abuses the warp drive to get there, and they crash land on an unknown planet. There they meet a young woman named Mamitas, who claims to have crash landed on the planet as well, and invites the crew to use parts from her ship to fix theirs. However, they are warned by the inhabiting alien life that Mamitas is actually the planet's most fearsome alien, the Deathgerian. Later, Mamitas reveals her monstrous true form and eats Meow whole. Piloting the Little Aloha, a small cruiser ship that transforms into a fighting robot, Dandy defeats the Deathgerian by force-feeding it with rancid food left on board the Aloha Oe. The crew bring the shrunken alien to the registration center, where it is accepted by Scarlet. Dandy and QT revel in their new fortune, having forgotten to save Meow.


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